8th Prabasi Odia Divas
We wish to keep you informed that the NROFC is celebrating the 8th annual Prabasi Odia Divas this year on the 18th Decemebr, 2011 in the Hotel Crown, on NH-5, Bhubaneswar. The NROFC has been since the last year cooperating with Invest Bhubaneswar which is designed to attract a conglomerate of investors, business houses and eminent speakers from all across the globe, to focus on Odisha as the destination. This year's program is a 3 day mega event spread over the 16th , 17th and 18th.
This year's event will surpass the last year's in participation and coverage and the NROFC will reach a higher success level in its aim as an initiative of the NROs to provide an opportunity for the entrepreneurs to focus on Odisha.
Needless to say that we expect a large number of delegates, both NROs and foregen investors and wellwishers to attend the 3-day function. As you have been cooperating with us in celebrating the Prabasi Odia Divas in the past we expect your active participation in the 3-day event and particularly in the celebration of the 8th Prabasi Odia Divas on the 8th in the afternoon.
We look forward to your confirmation with arrival and departure schedules.
7th Prabasi Odia Divas
- Invitation to Prabasi Odia Divas Celebration to be held on 18th-20th December 2010 at Hotel Crown, NH-5, Bhubaneshwar.
Read More.... >>
- There shall be an Annual General Body Meeting soon after lunch on 20th Dec., 2010 at the same venue to elect members of the New Executive Committee.
6th Prabasi Odia Divas
- Invitation to Prabasi Odia Divas Celebration to be held on 27th December 2009 at Panthanivas, Bhubaneshwar... Read More.... >>
* NROs who have contributed $100 USD at any of the Prabasi Divas Celebrations and any resident of Odisha who has contributed Rs.1000 or more are eligible members.
Read More....
OSA Convention 2010
41st OSA convention http://convention10.orissasociety.org/
5th Prabasi Odia Divas
- Invitation to Prabasi Odia Divas Celebration to be held on 21st December 2008 at Nalco Auditorium, Bhubaneshwar... Read More.... >>
- Register your participaton in the Conference... Read More.... >>
- Conference on Development Issues : Odisha Vikash: Engaging Non-resident Odias (NROs) for Development of Odisha –Thinking Beyond Projects ...Read More...>>
- The annual General Body meeting will accordingly be held the next day at 11 am to transact their business as per the agenda already given.
All members of NROFC are requested to treat this as a notice and invitation to attend the Annual General Body meeting on Dec. 22 in addition to attending the Prabasi Odia Divas on Dec. 21, 2008.
- Registration with nominal fees starts on and from September 1,
Suggestions to make the function a centre for action and attention are welcome. Contact
sahadevas@yahoo.com or sahadevasahoo@gmail.com
- There shall be an Annual General Body Meeting at 11 a.m. on 22nd Dec., 2008 at the same venue with the following agenda :
- Verification of the list of Members *
- Annual report of various authorities of the Society
- Reports of the Treasurer and the Auditors
- Decisions concerning applications for new membership and similar matters
- Election of members of the Executive Committee and the Committee on Membership
- Any other matter with the permission of the Chair
OSA Convention '08
The 39th OSA convention at Ontario, Canada, 3rd - 5th July, 2008.
Further news will follow.
4th Prabasi Oriya Divas View
4th Prabasi Oriya Divas will be held at Bhubaneshwar
on Dec.23, 2007, Sunday. Registration with nominal fees starts on and from September 1,
Suggestions to make the function a centre for action and attention are welcome.
Read More....
To Celebrate, Golden jubulee year of 1957 HSC Examination on 22 Dec 2007
Global meet of Orissa 1957 HSC Graduates at Bhubaneshwar
Please look for further Announcement.
for participation.
3rd Prabasi Oriya Divas
3rd Prabasi Oriya Divas was held at NALCO Community Centre at Nalco
Nagar beyond Kalinga Hospital, Bhubaneshwar
on Dec.24, 2006, Sunday.
OSA Convention '06
The 2006 OSA convention at Hotel Sheraton Columbia, MD, June 30- July 2, 2006.
The 4th OSA Convention will be held in Detroit on usual dates in July 2007. Further news
will follow.
[17-Dec-2006 to 19-Dec-2006]
IMGENEX held Annual meet of Indian Association of Cancer
Research. ( IACR ) on 17-19th, Jan 2007.
Venue : Bhubaneshwar.
2nd Prabasi Utkal Divas
2nd Prabasi Utkal Divas to be held at Swosti Plaza, On
Dec. 25 ...
Cancer unit soon in capital
Kalinga Hospital, a private super-speciality hospital set
up here by non-resident Oriya doctors from the US and UK, has plans to set up a cancer
centre... Read more
President Of INDIA inagurated IMGENEX India, an NRO
Innaguration Photos
Quoting The Statesman...
Bhubaneshwar, Nov. 24. The state government today
decided to set up non-resident Oriya (NRO) Facilitation Centres to encourage participation
of NROs and non-resident Indians (NRIs) in the development of the state... Read more | Other Related News
1st Prabasi Utkal Divas and Annual OSA Symposium on Orissa
NRI/OSA Member Contact Information.
OSA convention '05
The 2005 OSA convention will be held at Orange County, California during July
1-4, 2005
Souvenir  |